Monday, 6 March 2017

Late winter update

Winter still here
Being quite fluent in German, the weather since January has had me saying, "Winter, verpiss dich!" (winter, piss off!). Walking safely outside has been a way to keep active, as on last Friday when the temperature was +9, and the wind was high enough to almost blow my coat off. 

The other way to stay active 
The gym is an excellent way to stay active, while beset by uncooperative weather. Above is last Saturday's rowing effort. On Sunday, I managed 2,500 metres in 15 minutes. 
Hip abduction and adduction are other ways to warm up, before: 
Running! I did 3/4 of a kilometre in under 3 minutes wearing a souvenir from a holiday in Hungary, hence the expression: 
In Sunday, the shirt from my first half marathon was my choice of wear: 
The answer to the question of where this race was is on the back: 
I kept to the golden rules: feet straight, even swinging arms, long stride, and no farting!

Awaited in March
Apart from eating well, working out and staying healthy, I am going to be seeing doctors this month to find out if I am approved to do a number of things.
Not to put too heavy a point on it, when it comes to fully recovering with the help of ESD (early supported discharge), I am in the driving seat: