2 posts in one day! Just after my last post, I finally found the video by the lady next to me in this photo from the St Patrick's Day Road Race back in March. I guess not every video goes on youtube. The entire race is on there.
I lost the strap for my camera in Quebec City, and will need another. Her camera is a go-pro and can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000. Mine's from ebay and cost me $40.
I overtook her just after this was taken, she sounded a touch out of breath. I pretty much went the same pace throughout.
The whole video's great, with the exception of the Bon Jovi song. I appear on the left just after my wife is to be seen on the right at 12:03 in her trademark earmuffs taking the above photo. My form is rather poor to say the least with my feet at odd angles. In my defence this did improve over the year, and I had just moved house when I lined up for this race. I felt out of practice in a way.
There's a good bit at 15:25 where it looks like I almost slipped on a patch of ice, though I often stick my arms out like that as a precaution. After that I disappear into the distance.
Video can be found at : http://vimeo.com/23619810
The company that posted it, and offers training on various sports is: http://thedoctrine.squarespace.com/videos/
Great read thanks